Jake Weidmann Artist and Master Penman
Hallelujah Calligraphic Word Study | gold foil letterpress
The gold foil flourishes illuminate the word "Hallelujah," filling the page with the light of heaven. Hallelujah! is an expression of gratitude and adoration. The term is recited in the book of Psalms and again in Revelation 19. The word "hallelujah" is a combination of two Hebrew words, "hallel" meaning praise and "jah" meaning God. Its English translation: "Praise the Lord!" As Christians, Hallelujah! is our declaration; our victory cry; our new song.
The harp has long been associated with King David of Israel, a warrior-poet who authored most of the Psalms. The Psalms are full of heaven's worship and carries a richness of meaning and intimacy. The harp and the trumpet are a unique and powerful instrument of worship in heaven and earth symbolizing joy, blessings, comfort, deliverance, peace, praise, and restoration. Both instruments are illustrated here within the flourishing composition.
"Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready..." | Revelation 19:6-8
+ Gold foil letterpress print measuring 9 x 12 inches (standard frame size for ease of gifting or displaying)
+ Paper detail: Sage Green